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Borman Village Kids team
Jenny is the centre manager and an enthusiastic teacher, has a qualification in both early childhood and in primary school teaching. Jenny has many years of experience in leadership and has been involved in all aspects of early childhood centre development. Jenny lives on a lifestyle block with daughters Elise and Sienna. She is also very active in her community. | Todd is the centre owner and has been an active centre owner-operator since May 2000. Todd also provides support to other early childhood centres. Todd is married to Natalie and is a father of four children, Hayley, Dillon, Michelle and Abbie. | Larissa has a passion for nurturing infant and toddler children, she believes the building blocks of learning are developed in the early stages of life. Larissa lives on a lifestyle block with partner Nick and baby Taylen, loves nature and animals and has a passion for respectful practices and relationships. |
Bronwyn is the Toddler Team Leader, with a passion for respectful practises and an advocate for natural development. Bronwyn lives with her husband Michael and three children. | Helen is our infant team leader and has early childhood experience with both home-based and centre environments. She believes in respectful practices and seeing the child as a capable learner, no matter their age. She values the concept of ‘ako’ – a reciprocal teaching and learning relationship, not only with tamariki but with whanau and other Kaiako. Helen lives on a lifestyle block with her partner Josh, and, their 2 sons, Tyler and Tait. | Georgia is in our preschool room, she is a kind and caring teacher, has a respectful practice catered to the individual child, fun loving and loves a laugh. |
Shannon is a preschool teacher who has a passion for arts and creativity, social and dramatic play. Shannon builds strong relationships with the children and parents, likes to have through fun and a sense of humour. |
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